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Bruce Lee bio



He is the only person in the history of cinema who killed the character played by Chuck Norris. His kicks were so fast that the operators asked him for replays at a slower pace. He died suddenly at the peak of popularity, a few days before the premiere of his greatest work. On November 27, 2015, Bruce Lee would celebrate his 75th birthday.

He was born in 1940 in San Francisco, he spent his youth in Hong Kong. For the first time in front of the camera, he appeared at the age of three months. His father was a popular Chinese opera singer, hence Lee quickly became a child actor. He appeared in twenty films until his eighteenth birthday. As a teenager, he joined the gang and often clashed with members of competing organizations. Tired of constant losers, he decided to learn martial arts.


At the age of 13, he began studying Wing Chun under the watchful eye of the legendary master Yip Man. In 1959, Lee got into another street fight. Afraid of police intervention or revenge of the gang, he was sent by his parents to his aunt living in San Francisco. In 1961, he opened his first martial arts school there, in which he developed the original style of Jeet Kune Do. With time, he became an increasingly respected person among American masters, he was also more and more often invited to the shows. During one of them he was presented to William Dozer, a television producer.

Thanks to him Lee played in 1966 in the series "Green hornet". He played in Kato, a chauffeur and best friend of the title masked hero. He repeated this role in guest performances in other popular series, including the campaign "Batmans" with Adam West. The "green hornet" ended its existence after just one season, but Lee could not complain about lack of work. He opened another school in which he coached, among others, Lee Marvin, James Garner, Steve McQueen and James Coburn.


Due to the popularity of "Green Hornets" on the Chinese market, Lee received the lead role in the kung fu movie "The Big Boss" (1971). The movie, realized at the lowest cost, quickly became a hit, which quickly resulted in another, entitled "Fist of fury" (1972). Lee succeeded in re-establishing his own label and implementing an independent work.

In his third film "The Way of the Dragon" (1972) he acted as a director, screenwriter, main actor and choreographer of martial arts. The last battle fought in the Roman Coliseum has gone down in history. His opponent played little then known among lovers of filmed cinema, holding since 1968 the title of karate master Chuck Norris. "The Way of the Dragon" began his international career. As it turned out, it was the only case in the history of cinema, when the character played by Norris was lost.

Lee began working on the movie "The Game of Death", but he had to stop it because of the proposal to take the lead role in Warner Bros' "Enter the dragon" Thanks to him, the champion became a world-class star. The wave of the popularity of the dug-in cinema also reached Poland, where "The Enter of the Dragon" became one of the VHS hits.


Unfortunately, Lee never saw the finished movie. He died six days before his premiere, July 20, 1973. Officially, the cause of death was brain edema caused by the mixing of painkillers. However, theories about the revenge of the triads or the Shaolin order soon emerged. However, this does not change the fact that Lee revolutionized the martial arts and karate cinema of which he is now a face - despite a series of followers over the past forty years that have passed since his death.


Source: Interia.pl

Translation from polish


Bruce Lee - icon of the martial arts cinema