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02 April 2019


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by Shannon Lee and Bruce Lee Family in USA.




Bruce Lee bio



The famous "empty mind, be formless, shapeless - like water" is just one of the many wisdoms Bruce Lee wanted to convey to us. Few people know that his last work is not a film, but a set of philosophical, self-reflective thoughts collected in letters with the working title "In My Own Process".


Eastern martial arts were never meant to fight the sensu stricto, or rather the spiritual development of their adept. And Bruce Lee knew it. You do not have to present this person to anyone, but it is worth looking at his life from a slightly wider perspective than through the prism of his main profession.


It turns out that acting was for him only a tool with which he could reach with his philosophy to a larger audience. On a daily basis, however, he was occupied with philosophy, which exploration helped him to refine Jeet Kune Do, his own martial art. And it was philosophy that he dealt with just before he died, which is manifested in letters to himself, which only recently saw the light of day.


"In My Own Process" is a never-ended set of thoughts that Bruce Lee drew on the meaning of life, the condition of society, but above all - on himself. The Master rewrote these letters at least nine times, but his sudden death did not allow him to finish them. Notes have never been published, and the Bruce Lee Foundation has only made these materials public recently.



It's hard not to get the impression that Bruce Lee sensed the approaching death. This would explain the sudden direction of the actor's thoughts on self-reflection. From these reflections on my own self, the concept of "artist of life" was clarified, being the essence of "In My Own Process".

Insight into the notes and their analysis can be found on the Brain Pickings portal. You can also get additional information on the official website, hosted by Shannon Lee - daughter of Bruce. The "In My Own Process" lists are also the main subject of the podcast, which Shannon created together with culture expert Sharon Ann Lee.


Source: www.exumag.com

Translation from polish

Bruce Lee you do not know