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Prawa autorskie rodziny Bruca Lee
Official Bruce Lee Fan Page Poland approved
by Shannon Lee and Bruce Lee Family in USA.
My name is Marek and I am the administrator and creator of the website. The first version of my website about Bruce Lee was created in 2013 and was available on the Internet until 2018. The current second version of the website was created in November 2018. The first version of Bruce Lee's website is gone. Perhaps it turned out to be good for me, because a new project was created on better software, containing only proven and reliable information about Bruce Lee and his family.
There are people who accuse me of too much interest in this subject. In this regard, a few words of explanations for the skeptics. Bruce Lee, like many of us, got interested in elementary school, and then in the period when I was training Aikido and Kung Fu. I have been dealing with martial arts since primary school, when I started training Karate, professionally SW for 16 years, and the site was only an extension of my interests. Those who are interested in the subject know that Bruce Lee is not only about effective kicks and punches, but above all a deep philosophy of life that inspires people around the world. Bruce Lee was interested in and studied philosophy, and these interests spilled over into his view of martial arts, training and acting. Bruce died in 1973 but his energy, as his daughter Shannon Lee says, is still there. Bruce inspires children and adults who train martial arts as well as people who are not related to them.
Bruce dies at only 32 years old, and leaves behind a new style of fighting that he created himself - Jeet Kune Do, films thanks to which he is known literally all over the world, but above all an extensive philosophy of life that was inherent to him until the end. At present, his daughter Shannon Lee and wife Linda Lee Cadwell are involved in promoting Bruce Lee and keeping his legend alive as part of the Bruce Lee Family Company and the Bruce Lee Foundation. This site is just a small brick that also provides knowledge about this valuable and talented man who certainly was Bruce Lee.
When life gives you obstacles, you must summon the courage and walk on!
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