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Prawa autorskie rodziny Bruca Lee

Kiedy się rozglądam, zawsze się czegoś uczę i to jest być zawsze sobą i wyrażać siebie, wierzyć w siebie. Nie wychodź i nie szukaj udanej osobowości i nie duplikuj jej. Zacznij od samego źródła swojej istoty, która brzmi "jak mogę być sobą?" Bruce Lee


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by Shannon Lee and Bruce Lee Family in USA.

Bruce Lee Family

The daughter of Bruce Lee and sister of Brandon Lee, Shannon was born in Santa Monica, California on April 19, 1969.


As a child Shannon lived in both Los Angeles and Hong Kong until settling back in the LA area in 1974. In 1987, Shannon moved to New Orleans where she attended Tulane University. Here she earned a B.F.A. in vocal performance, and appeared in numerous musicals, operas, and choral concerts. In 1993, Shannon returned to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. Some of her credits include Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, WMAC Masters, High Voltage, Martial Law, Blade and Enter the Eagles. Shannon also co-wrote and sang on the album, The Mechanical Forces of Love with Medicine and has sung in concerts in Hong Kong, China and the US with renowned Cantonese singer Sam Hui.

Currently, Shannon is the proud mother of daughter, Wren, the CEO of the Bruce Lee Family Companies and Chairperson of the Board of Directors for the Bruce Lee Foundation (a California 501(c)(3) public charity). Shannon also writes, speaks on her father's philosophies and still sings occasionally. In 2020 Shannon published her book "Be Water my Friend. The teachings of Bruce Lee".



Brandon Lee was born in Oakland, California on February 1, 1965 at the tail end of the year of the Dragon.


As a child Brandon lived in Oakland, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong, finally settling back in the Los Angeles area after the death of his father, Bruce Lee. At the age of 18, Brandon left LA to attend Emerson College in Boston, but he soon returned to Los Angeles to pursue his lifelong dream of becoming an actor. Brandon acted in plays, television, and film. His most notable roles were in Rapid Fire and The Crow. In 1993 during the filming of The Crow, Brandon was killed on set by a blank fired from a jammed prop gun. His death has prompted changes in safety standards on film sets to this day. He was survived by his fiancé, Eliza Hutton. To this day, Brandon is remembered as a dynamic, charismatic, and talented man who touched the lives of many through his work and his relationships.


Linda Lee Cadwell - wife of Bruce Lee


She was born in Everett, Washington, daughter of Vivian R. (Hester) and Everett Emery. Her family was a Baptist and of Swedish, Irish and English origin. She met Bruce Lee when she attended Garfield High School, where Bruce came to give a kung fu show; during this time he attended the University of Washington. She eventually became one of Kung Fu's students when she attended the University of Washington, studying to become a teacher.

She took lessons from him, attending college. They were married on August 17, 1964. Linda had a few points shortly after graduation. They had two children, Brandon Lee and Shannon Lee. During this time Bruce Lee opened his own kung fu school and taught Wing Chun, which later served as the foundation of Jeet Kune Do. He died suddenly on July 20, 1973. As a result of an allergic reaction to a painkiller.

Linda got married to Tom Bleecker in 1988, and they divorced in 1990. She later married the Stock Broker Bruce Cadwell in 1991 and lived in Rancho Mirage, California.

Her son Brandon, an actor, died in a movie accident on the set during the filming of The Crow on March 31, 1993, 19 years after his father's death.

Cadwell continues to promote Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do's martial art. She retired in 2001, and her daughter Shannon (who now manages the Lee family estate) along with son-in-law Ian Keasler runs the Bruce Lee foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching Bruce Lee's philosophy of martial arts and writing. about philosophy.

Books - Cadwell wrote a book from 1975 by Bruce Lee: The Man Only and Knew (ISBN 0-446-89407-9), which was based on the 1993 feature film "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story". She was portrayed by actress Lauren Holly in a film adaptation. She also wrote The Bruce Lee Story from 1989. 




Wren Lee Keasler - Bruce Lee's granddaughter


Wren was born in Los Angeles, California, to her mother Shannon Lee and her father Ian Keasler. She is the granddaughter of martial arts film star Bruce Lee and retired martial arts teacher Linda Lee Cadwell, the great-grand-daughter of Cantonese opera singer Lee Hoi-chuen. Her uncle was Brandon Lee (February 1, 1965 – March 31, 1993).





Linda Lee Cadwell - żona Bruca Lee


Urodziła się w Everett w stanie Waszyngton, córce Vivian R. (Hester) i Everetta Emery'ego. Jej rodzina była baptystką i pochodzenia szwedzkiego, irlandzkiego i angielskiego. Spotkała Bruce'a Lee, gdy uczęszczała do Garfield High School, gdzie Bruce przyszedł, aby dać pokaz kung fu; w tym czasie uczęszczał na Uniwersytet Waszyngtoński. Ostatecznie stała się jedną z jego uczniów Kung Fu, kiedy uczęszczała na University of Washington, studiując, aby zostać nauczycielem.

Wzięła lekcje od niego, uczęszczając do college'u. Pobrali się 17 sierpnia 1964 roku. Linda miała kilka punktów krótko po ukończeniu studiów. Mieli dwoje dzieci, Brandona Lee i Shannona Lee. W tym czasie Bruce Lee otworzył własną szkołę kung fu i uczył Wing Chun, które później służyło za podstawę Jeet Kune Do. Zmarł nagle 20 lipca 1973 r. W wyniku reakcji alergicznej na środek przeciwbólowy.

Linda ożenił się z Tomem Bleeckerem w 1988 roku, a oni rozwiedli się w 1990 roku. Później zaślubiła maklera giełdowego Bruce Cadwell w 1991 roku i mieszkali w Rancho Mirage w Kalifornii.

Jej syn Brandon, aktor, zginął w wypadku filmowym na planie filmowym podczas kręcenia filmu The Crow w dniu 31 marca 1993 r., 19 lat po śmierci ojca.

Cadwell kontynuuje promocję sztuki walki Bruce'a Lee Jeet Kune Do. Przeszła na emeryturę w 2001 roku, a jej córka Shannon (która teraz kieruje majątkiem rodziny Lee) wraz z zięciem Ianem Keaslerem prowadzi fundację Bruce Lee, organizację non-profit zajmującą się nauczaniem filozofii Bruce'a Lee o sztukach walki i jego pisaniu. o filozofii.

Cadwell napisał książkę z 1975 roku Bruce Lee: The Man Only I Knew (ISBN 0-446-89407-9), na której oparto film fabularny z 1993 roku "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story". Została portretowana przez aktorkę Lauren Holly w adaptacji filmowej. Napisała również książkę The Bruce Lee Story z 1989 roku.

“It’s important to everybody to find something, anything,

that is a path with heartin it.” Brandon Lee